Welcome to Focus Module
"Micronutrients in Pregnancy and Lactation"
Here you find an overview of the module on "Micronutrients in Pregnancy and Lactation", its structure and units, learning aims and information on how to get your CME credits.
Good nutrition is fundamental for good health, and is especially important for women during pregnancy and the lactation period. Additional maternal energy requirements during pregnancy and lactation are only 10% higher than in the non-pregnant or non-lactating state. However, the requirement for some micronutrients increases considerably and may have profound consequences for fetal development.
In this module, critical micronutrients for pregnancy and lactation are discussed in detail. An overview of relevant nutrients is presented, including biological function, physiological requirements and consequences for optimal fetal and infant development.
Structure, Content and Learning Aims of this Module
The module "Micronutrients in Pregnancy and Lactation" contains three separate units which can be worked through in your preferred order. For each unit, you will have the opportunity to request CME credits upon successful completion of a multiple choice test at the end.Please click here to see an overview of the whole module.

Free of charge!

Targeted to international healthcare professionals and researchers

Available Worldwide
How to best follow this module
For your own coordination and scheduling: To go through this entire module which contains five units, you will need about 540 minutes (about 180 minutes for each unit). Downloading further literature or using our integrated links will take additional time.
Every unit consists of a self-assessment test at the beginning, different lessons, and a CME test at the end. During the course of the module, the learner will benefit from a number of learning tools, including self-assessment tests, graphics, and a discussion forum.
To make better use of the teaching material and consequently a better learning experience overall, we suggest that the learner first should go through the units only after that they should attempt the CME tests.

CME Certificate of Completion
Please Note: Starting from 1st September 2021, The Early Nutrition eAcademy is offering e-learning modules and CME Certificates of Completion free of charge to healthcare professionals worldwide.
The CME test will only be available once all elements in each unit are marked complete. To receive your CME Certificate of Completion, you have to successfully pass the CME multiple-choice test.
European CME Accreditation:
This module has been accredited by the UEMS with 9 credits.

Complete all unit elements

Pass CME Test
Credits by the EACCME

Information about CME Accreditation
This unit has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME). The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). Only those e-learning materials that are displayed on the UEMS-EACCME website have formally been accredited. Each medical specialist should claim only those credits that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
US American Accreditation:
The American Medical Association (AMA) has an agreement of mutual recognition of continuing medical education (CME) credit with the European Union of Medical Specialties (UEMS). Instructions for converting EACCME Credit to AMA PRA Category 1 Credits are available here.

How to get started
Click the button below to start with Unit 1
OR choose another Unit from the list below