Welcome to the Focus Module

"Early Immunity and Nutrition"



Accumulating evidence shows that different stimuli such as malnutrition during critical periods of development, which leads to poor nutritional status, may permanently affect cell populations, organ systems and physiological pathways. This is recognized as the “developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD)” theory (Palmer, 2011).  In this module we will discuss the importance of nutrition to the human immune system. Malnutrition during gestation has been associated with long-lasting negative effects in the offspring’s immune system (Obanewa & Newell, 2017) while malnutrition during childhood has been associated with a significantly increased incidence and fatality of infectious diseases such as diarrhoea and pneumonia (Jones et al., 2010). However, this link between nutrition and the immune system is not limited to global malnutrition or the deficiency of specific nutrients. The timing and composition of complementary feeding in infancy on subsequent risk of food allergy, or the modulation of antibody response to vaccination by nutritional status have also been reported.

120 minutes learning time: Self assessments, graphics, interactive tools and videos

Course Content


Free of charge


Available worldwide

Targeted to healthcare professionals and researchers

CME Certificate of Completion


CME multiple-choice test must be successfully passed


All elements in each unit must be marked complete

Credits by the EACCME (Validity 18/10/2023 - 17/10/2025)